Global Elucidation Project

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GEP Concept Brief

The Public Right to Knowledge

The Global Elucidation Project (GEP) – Concept Briefing Knowledge should be recognized as a common good and a basic right, and it is paramount for all of humanity that substantiated knowledge production and transparent analyses and debates are placed front and centre. Only when informed and granted the tools to critically examine ideas, developments, perspectives, and oneself can individuals, the public and the policy makers be expected to be take the best possible course of action. Knowledge production have not quite reached the heights that the information age promised, not yet at least.

The Exclusive Knowledge

Despite the vast potential knowledge production is still very much hampered by exclusion, partition, and the pursuit of narrow interests. This is especially the case for the social sciences and humanities, although many unique challenges face the natural scientific knowledge producers as well. The issues are many, so we have attempted to narrow it down to the points we must urgently wish to address alongside furthering our vision. Academia often excludes many from contributing, and being recognized, as valid knowledge producers outside of the narrow world of universities, institutes, and think-tanks. All too many professionals, non-western-university thinkers and autodidactic observers are described as grey-area knowledge producers or ignored or prevented from representing themselves in intellectual exchanges. Even within the Academia itself, hierarchies, competition, and inequality of resources effectively excludes many from contributing their fullest, and much knowledge is lost even within universities.

Serving Narrow Interests

These issues both especially effect the global-south but by no means exclusively so. Knowledge and knowledge production is hampered extensively by two partitions, language and style. Even the greatest thoughts are of little consequence if they are not understood, and so much is lost in this age of rapid knowledge production and social change. Too many papers and books are written without ever being translated for style and terminology, remaining only accessible to those with the skillset to interpret the esoteric language. This in turn makes the academic and intellectual productions of today seem of little overall value at all, contributing to negative cycles of grant-seeking, competition, and sensationalism. The language barrier is as straightforward as it sounds, while English is the lingua-franca these days, mastery of the language is not exactly evenly distributed, causing inequality of opportunities for knowledge producers and consumers alike. Knowledge products are too often treated like a commodity to be hoarded or sold or made to serve narrow national or organisational interests in order to be produced at all.

Money and policy makers too often get to dictate what gets researched and analysed in-depth. Media-houses tend to select experts-based income-expectations and ideals of lowest common denominator communication. This without even mentioning the disingenuous producers and enablers of “false knowledge products”.

The global knowledge infrastructure is furthermore severely hindered by paywalls and high subscription fees on scientific journals and intellectual-analytical sites and publications. The former severely limits both public interest and often the quality of education in much of the world, as journal access can be a major drain on resources, effectively excluding many university students from the full body of works.

This for-profit infrastructure can demand payment for publication, even while utilizing the questionable methods of blind and limited peer-reviewing. The latter are significantly lessened in overall value by the form and lack of intercommunication and continuation of debate between producers, and effectively keeps much of the global population from gaining deeper understanding of complex issues.

All these issues are of course interconnected and as said there are many more issues to be tackled, which the Global Elucidation Project naturally also wishes to contribute to. This is not however to say that nothing has been done to reached towards the full “enlightenment” potential of the information age.

The search engines such as google scholar have made at least identifying relevant publicized academic material easier. and other like sites do make some efforts to condense publications into more easily consumable sizes. ResearchGate have made progress towards creating a scientific community for eased communication, although exclusively for Academia and predominantly used by the anglophone world.

Open-source journals, projects and open-source requirement grants have made strides towards making paywall publication less the norm than it used to be. But there is still such a long way to go, and from this humble beginning the Global Elucidation Project hopes to significantly improve conditions for knowledge production and consumption across the globe.

One key goal of the GEP is to establish an online platform that will contain publication of original and non-original knowledge products from the scientific paper format, over in depth-analyses and commentary, to more accessible material, all in multiple forms of medias and languages, as well as an interactive community site.

The community site will be one of the functions that will truly make the GEP platform stand out as it will provide the possibility of pursuing a transparent and partially open for of peer-review, as the qualified and specialized members can contribute, comment, and criticize, before and after the finalization of the knowledge product or continuous versions of the product.

Effort will be made to ensure that commentaries and related works will be visibly linked to the respective articles to ease critical reading with the benefit of the informed collective. The platform will both have a catalogue of more unique material not commonly shown on scholarly search engines and online libraries, and a library into which classically academically ignored knowledge products and data source can be uploaded and critically reflected upon.

The GEP will work and assist with providing professional translations of knowledge products to a range of languages. Furthermore, the GEP will strive to grow through funding, donations and other revenue sources which do constitute conflicts of interests, to become a donor of funding for projects that often go underfunded, novel research, experimentation, and testing of models of theories and models.

Importantly the GEP will aim to start projects to include keepers and producers of knowledge from those traditionally not consider valid producers, such as those of customary professional castes such as storytellers, healers and philosophers of various permutations, with a focus on the global south.

The GEP will further endeavour to include not just such individuals for various kinds of publication and knowledge sharing, but also to the extent possible to engage them in the scientific debates in the community site.

The GEP will be aimed at being run by a mixture of paid-staff, volunteers, and community engagement, as necessary to achieve the goals and works towards the vision of global knowledge production and infrastructure as basic and necessary common good.

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